Explore our extensive collection of sensory toys for all ages and abilities!
Stress Planet Balls
$12.75 -
Stretchy String (Pack of 2)
$4.25 -
Super Absorbent Polymer Spheres
$8.75 -
Thermochromic Glux
$12.50 -
Thunder Tube
$11.50 -
Tornado Lamp
$27.50 – $39.95 -
Twist Fidget Puzzle
$4.75 -
Unicorn Rainbow Bubble Popper (8″ or Mega 15″)
$10.50 – $24.75 -
Video Game Controller Mega Marbleized Bubble Popper (12″)
$14.50 -
Wonder Shapeable Sand
$6.50 -
Zen Pendulum