Explore our extensive collection of sensory toys for all ages and abilities!
Mars Mud
$5.75 -
MegaGlux Arctic Collection
$11.50 -
MegaGlux Galactic Collection
$10.95 -
MegaGlux Magnetic Collection
$11.75 -
MegaGlux Thermo Collection
$14.50 -
Mini Jupiter Kinetic
$19.75 -
Mood Putty
$3.95 -
Moonlight Mood Lamp
$27.95 -
NanoGlux Antarctic 3 Color Putty Set
$19.50 -
NanoGlux Elements
$19.75 -
NanoGlux Glow
$9.95 -
NanoGlux Thermochromic
$17.50 -
Newton’s Cradle
$11.95 -
Newton’s Pendulum Wave
$39.95 -
Octagon Mega Bubble Popper (12″)
$24.75 -
Ooze Dribbler
$9.75 -
Pin Art
$14.75 -
Planet Putty (Kidz Science)
$3.75 – $24.50 -
Plasma Ball (Blue or Red)
$47.50 – $64.75 -
Plato’s Cubes