Labelled Evolution (Instant Download)


Fry their brain with this one!

play-rounded-fill play-rounded-outline play-sharp-fill play-sharp-outline
pause-sharp-outline pause-sharp-fill pause-rounded-outline pause-rounded-fill

Melt a label through a bottle and hand it out for examination!

You fairly show a cola bottle and write something on the label, even peeling it back to show that the contents of the bottle are perfectly ordinary underneath. With a casual shake, the spectator will see the marked label VISUALLY MELT inside the bottle, before their eyes. You can instantly hand it out for examination and leave it as a memorable souvenir with your friend FOREVER! Everything is fully inspectable, even if they if open up the bottle to take the label out.

Within this video download, you’ll learn:

– An almost impromptu version that can be done with a borrowed bottle and has YOUR FRIEND’S SIGNATURE on the label.

– a way to perform the penetration while the SPECTATOR IS HOLDING THE BOTTLE!

– A bonus effect: After a coin is melted through the side of the bottle held by your friend, you reseal the cap onto the bottle, permanently trapping the coin inside.

  • The factory seal on the official cap is genuinely unbroken.
  • You can give the bottle away at the end of the trick.
  • Easy to perform.
  • The bottle can be examined before and after the effect.