100th Monkey


Your students will become speechless… literally!  One of the most engaging experiences to introduce into your classroom.


As seen on America’s Got Talent!
3 devastating effects for your classroom.

Although there are 3 effects included, the effect called “Speechless” will cause your students to be… SPEECHLESS!
In this effect, you take away a student’s ability to read!  Very easy to do.


Effect #1

When you hold up cards with words printed on them, the students in your class can read the words easily, but the words make no sense to the volunteer student who struggles to sound out the words just like a child learning to read.  In the end, you give the volunteer student back his ability and without ever looking away from the card suddenly he can read the words perfectly!

This is a powerfully engaging way to lead into a reading lesson of any type.

Effect #2

You hold up a large card so everyone in the classroom can see it – everyone except a volunteer student standing at the front of the room with her eyes closed. The card has a word(s) printed on it – perhaps it reads Canada, thermal energy, or binomial.  The word(s) can be any that you choose from your curriculum.  As the students concentrate on the word(s), the volunteer student is asked to think of a country, or a specific type of energy, or a specific algebraic expression.  She announces a word(s) that perfectly match the one(s) on the card shown to the class!
Keep in mind, this effect can be repeated with different students and words.

This presentation works wonderfully in any classroom.  If the word comes from the unit just completed, this makes a fun, engaging way to review.  The word can be from any discipline and any unit.  As each word is used, there is a quick follow-up on it’s meaning.

Effect #3

You know which of four students is thinking of a time, a place, a thing and an emotion — then, without a question or anything written, reveal exact details!

  • Includes 2 DVDs, props, written text and loads of extras.