Fellow Colleagues,

As educators, we’re in the midst of an exciting shift in the way science education is delivered and experienced.  The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) replaces the traditional, didactic model of teaching with student-driven curiosity, exploration, and discovery.  Curiosity and wonder are positioned at the center of science education.  Curiosity and wonder drive the learning!

It’s critical to note that curiosity and wonder originate from our experiences with phenomena and novelty.  At the heart of education, phenomena and novelty captivate students and propel learning.  Research shows that novelty, above all else, captures our attention, sparks curiosity, and keeps us engaged.  Introduce novelty into your lessons and you will have one of the most powerful educational tools ever!

I believe our primary objective in the science classroom is to cultivate engagement though curiosity experienced by phenomena and novelty.  To meet that need, this site is entirely devoted to phenomena, novelty, curiosity, and the engagement they ignite!  I’ve packed the site with innovative strategies to introduce startling phenomena and novelty into your classroom, maximizing student engagement!

Captivating Science is dedicated to igniting the wonder in your classroom!  Bring phenomena and novelty into your classroom and deliver the wonder to your students!  As you explore the site, I’m confident you’ll discover the most innovative and powerful tools to maximize curiosity, wonder, and engagement in your classroom!

There is so much to share, and I’m so excited to learn with you!

Dr. Vince Mancuso

Dr. Mancuso has been a science educator in Rochester, New York for 20 years. He is a frequent presenter at regional and national NSTA conferences.  He provides consultant services and professional development to science departments and school districts across the country.  His research focuses on 3-Dimensional learning and its effective design and implementation into an NGSS aligned curriculum and classroom, with a specific focus on phenomena as it influences engagement and learning outcomes.

He has also developed a series of fully developed, NGSS-aligned classroom kits that are currently offered by Ward’s Science.  He is also the author of Phenomena-Driven Inquiry, a comprehensive book on NGSS-aligned strategy, resources, and 3-Dimensional lessons.

Buy The NGSS Masterclass Now - $95

Ed.D., Teaching and Curriculum-  Margaret Warner Graduate School of Education and Human Development, University of Rochester, 2010

M.S., Science Education, SUNY Brockport, 2005

B.A., University of Rochester, 1999

Phenomena-Driven Inquiry and the POQIE (Predict, Observe, Question, Investigate, Explain) model introduce a powerful strategy for the investigation of scientific phenomena in the classroom. Representing 15 years of research and field-testing, the strategy centers on phenomena-driven inquiry investigations that guide students as they make sense of discrepant event phenomena following authentic, student-generated questions sparked by the unexpected and startling nature of our world.

The book is divided into two parts.  In Part 1 you’ll learn every facet of Phenomena-Driven Inquiry, including a detailed in-depth description of each phase, the philosophy and theory behind them, and strategies to most effectively implement the model into your existing curriculum.  Part 2 is packed with an extensive array of nearly 100 phenomena-driven 3-Dimensional lessons encompassing every discipline of science.

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